Ask Questions to Make Change
Do you ask questions to learn?
Do you ever ask questions of yourself that you've no idea how you will answer? When I stood at the start line of the 27th Marathon des Sables in 2012, with over 250 kilometres of sand, rock, and…

My Marathon des Sables Adventure!
The Marathon des Sables is amazing!
I have been back in the UK a week form my Marathon des Sables adventure,I’ve spent the last week recovering, eating some fresh tasty food, and having a few small celebrations.
I must thank everyone…

1 week to go
I cant believe in 1 week I will be on the Continent of Africa, Country of Morocco, and In the middle of the Sahara desert, this is extremely exciting! The small setback I've had with my knee over the previous couple of weeks, and being…

Injection week
After the disappointment of last week, due to my knee not letting me run, I decided to take some action and get to the bottom of my pain. I made an appointment to see my sports physician Dr Lorenzo Masci, I've known Dr Masci for nearly 3 years…

Staying Positive
After the dissapointment of last weeks training (or lack of) I was keen to get back on the trails, I had planned to have Monday to Thursday to rest my knee, then out running Friday to test it out. During those 4 days of rest I was keeping…

4 weeks to go
This past week has been a testing time, my body has been very tired and I've felt slightly unmotivated because of this. I have been running hard for nearly 5 months now in preparation for the start of my race in the Sahara and my body is just…

“Camber Marathon” week
The body felt quite good after the previous weeks 100+ kilometres, but with only 6 weeks remaining until I'm at the start line, its time for some big weeks!
Last week I smashed out a total of 146kms over 6 days, and I chucked in a 90 minute…

Back on track
The previous two weeks had been extremely frustrating with a virus and injuries, but this week has been great, back running 6 days for a total of 102kms. The body is feeling like its getting back to its best and ready to eat up some serious…

1st set back
Last week ended on a positive note with a 2 1/2 hour killer gym session, I felt confident, fit, and ready to get back onto the trails running. This week ended with a total of only 28kms ran and discomfort in my hip joint, my race starts…

Up and Down week…….
After a fantastic previous week I was ready to follow on with an even bigger one, unfortunately due to the weather, and a small niggle in my knee my 165km (100mile) week wasn't to be.
It started ok with a decent run on Tuesday to dust…