
Winter Training: Top Tips to Find Your Focus


What do you focus on during training sessions?

Focusing on the things you can control is the key to keeping your focus on the goals you’re aiming for.
Other people or even the weather (which we will discuss later) cannot control your attitude; it’s your choice to have a positive frame of mind during each training session.

If you’re constantly spending time, or energy, with your focus on parts of your fitness regime you can’t change, then I think it’s time for a shift in your mindset.

A positive attitude is energising and will encourage people to want to be around you. Being part of a community can raise your spirits and your performance, while helping you maintain your focus.

I understand it can be extremely difficult to stay positive throughout the winter months.
The days are short, dark, and it rains a lot (here in the UK)!
If you choose to be positive, even throughout the depths of winter, it will allow you to enjoy our training and reap the results of consistently working hard throughout this mentally tough time.

Here are three simple ways to help you be positive, focus on the things you can control, and enjoy your training all year round.



    Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you are spending your time, energy, and probably money on doing the things you do? Is your focus on wanting to look a certain way, achieve a target you’ve set in your sights, or simply to be the best person you can be?
    Whatever the reason, taking time to truly understand why you are training will give you a purpose, and with purpose comes a sense of direction.
    Using this guiding light that is your why to fuel your workouts, alongside having it energise you when motivation drops, (when all you want to do is hit snooze on your alarm) is a big key to a successful training session.
    Don’t only focus on what you are doing, but know why you are doing it as well!Clarity is the eternal energy that fuels your dreams. focus

    No doubt you’ve heard the saying be comfortable with being uncomfortable when it comes to training. To a degree, I believe in this when it is to do with physical exertion. In order to progress your fitness, you need to stress the body, then let it rest, so it can grow fitter and stronger. But, when it comes to what you wear during your training sessions, there is no need to be uncomfortable at all!Choosing the correct sportswear is vital for not only your comfort, but also your performance. You don’t want your focus to be on an uncomfortable piece of kit, or something that restricts the very movements you are trying to master, this makes no sense and will only distract you from enjoying the workout.
    If you are training outside during winter, a quality waterproof jacket that actually keeps you dry, fits perfectly, and is functional with easily accessible pockets to store your workout accessories is essential.
    Not a fan of battling the rain when you train, and prefer to stay warm from start to finish of your workout, then full length tights are a great piece of kit to enable this. Compression tights are made to not only warm your muscles up pre workout, minimise the damage a training session can do your muscles during, but also help with your recovery when worn post workout as well.focus 


    Being positive is a choice, and you can either take a negative stance towards the weather, or, you can focus on smiling and being positive to embrace the weather, because you GET to train.
    Training is an action you’re choosing to do, so thinking positively alongside this is a perfect match! If you have days when your motivation is low and you just can’t shake those negative thoughts (it’s ok, we are all human, it happens) remember to;
    * Revisit your why.
    * Know you have reliable training kit that is comfortable, functional, and looks great.
    * Focus on that you get to train and being positive is a choice only you can make.
    Embracing the weather will allow you to open yourself up to new possibilities, keep your focus on why you are training, and be playful through knowing you have control of your attitude, and not even the weather can stop you from training and living life!

    “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”

    ― Alfred Wainwright













Blog written in collaboration with

5 replies
  1. Andrew Fox says:

    Great Tips!

    I just started a blog towards fitness and gain strength through powerlifting.So after reading this article I thought to publish the same like this not exactly the same but yeah Inspired by this.


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