
Be Productive in 3 Steps



To be Productive – be Consistent, be Content, & be nice to Yourself


We hear all the time that consistency is the key to sustained success, and being productive. Heck, i’ve said it myself plenty of times as well.
I truly believe we are more productive and can increase the chances of achieving our big goals through shifting our focus.

Not looking at the end result, but rather focusing on the smaller chunks of work during the process of achieving these goals. It makes total sense, our confidence isn’t squashed with the overwhelming task ahead, and after time, we will see the results from our productive hard work, right!?

What happens when life gets in the way, and the level of your consistency drops off. You are no longer productive, and the results you’re trying to achieve begin to fade. Do you simply waive it off, or become critical of your actions (or lack of) and frustrated with your minimal gains?

I’m sure most people can relate to a time when you let the voice in your head verbally beat you, and highlight your lack of self-discipline, consistency for your work. We are not robots, super computers, but human beings!
Nobody is perfect, I know I certainly am not, my productivity peaks and then plunges without any sort of notice at times, and it frustrates me to pieces. Why can’t I be productive all the time?
I constantly strive to be the best version of myself each and every day, this is my goal, and there are plenty of days in each and every month that I DO NOT come close to this goal.

I used to beat myself up about these daily fails, which only made my internal thoughts even more negative. Over time I started to realise that I began to resent the work I was completing, where once I was passionate, energised, and excited to complete; sound familiar?

Left confused, and struggling to complete any tasks for a period of time, I knew something had to change. Wanting to be productive, and also not beat myself up if I don’t have a perfect day, I realised the following.


Being Consistent should always be the goal when faced with a large task. Consistently chipping away at these targets will help increase your confidence, productivity, and get you closer to achieving your goals.

Be Content with the amount of work you accomplish in a certain period of time, this will help keep you in a positive frame of mind. Definitely don’t settle, but find a way through reflecting on what you’ve achieved, to be content with your work.

Being Nice to Yourself will increase your long-term productivity via not beating yourself up, increasing your self-confidence, and understanding there is more to life than hitting deadlines. Some self-love will have you excited to get back to your work rather than dreading it, with a smile on your face, and your heart grinning with joy.




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