
Life Philosophy – Do You Have One?

Find direction in life through a life philosophy


I never used to give a thought to how I wanted to live my life, I simply just “did” life. If someone asked me what my life philosophy was a decade ago, I would have given some humorous response like ”staying alive.”
With more life experience full of setbacks, triumphs, and meeting people from all walks of life, I started to realise that having a life philosophy could give me a guiding phrase of how I live each and every day.

A life philosophy can be a set of values, principles, or attitude you live by, a way of life – your life.

It’s what cuts to the core of who you are & how you want to live. Your life philosophy is not fixed, but progressive and evolves as you do as a person. It’s anything but rigid, merely a guide and something to give you direction and clarity for how you think, act, and conduct yourself daily. You don’t need to write your life philosophy down or tell anyone, but you should be able to articulate it to yourself, so you have an understanding of what you stand for, and how you want to behave daily.

Mine has continually changed over the years, from being the best I can be, to inspiring others to live their lives, and to learn daily. These have all helped me progress in life, and get to the point of where I am today.

But after my 2000km in 12 day Ultimate Triathlon in 2015, and spending all of 2016 recovering both physically and mentally from the challenge, I started being more mindful, and spending time with myself. I dug a little deeper within myself to truly understand what was my driving force in life, my true life philosophy, and how I wanted to contribute to society.

I’m human like everyone else and can be distracted with social media, the Internet, and occasionally doing things because “everyone else” is doing them. Continually working on being mindful, has helped to keep me in check when I become distracted, or spend time doing things not in line with how I wish to live my life. My life philosophy keeps me accountable to me!

Stop floating through life and getting caught up in the busy digital world we live in. Actually stop to take the time to understand who you are, your purpose, or what you want to achieve in the limited time we are here on earth. Creating a life philosophy to help you stay on track to living a fulfilled, exciting, and forever growing life is a great way to not feel lost, and begin to achieve the goals you desire.


If you need a little help, here is a 90 second clip of Super Bowl winning American Football coach Pete Carroll giving insight into having a philosophy. WATCH


My life philosophy right now.


life philosophy


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